Conserving elephants and rhinos through the alleviation of poverty.

This group consisting of five women continues with their waste collection and trade, which brought about positive socio-economic and environmental spin offs to their community and families. Over the past twelve months they traded just over 48 tonnes of mixed waste, providing them with income whilst diverting the waste that would have otherwise been illegally dumped or landfilled. In addition, they sold 30 bags of organic composting which was bought by EPI-USE Africa as part of their efforts in ensuring that they provide marketing services to some of our beneficiaries who have goods and services to offer to various clientele.

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Waste trading, to cover both collections and selling, continues at the Centre. After selling their aluminium and scrap metal last month, the Cooperative also managed to sell various plastic and paper waste products, adding to their monthly income. We have also worked to assist them with a new drip irrigation system to help them with their food-for-waste programme aimed at growing vegetables for personal consumption and for the market where possible. We continue to applaud this group of dedicated women, who, against all odds, have shown that waste recycling is indeed a viable enterprise even within a rural set-up.

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